7 Tips for Effective Bathroom Plumbing Maintenance

Bathroom plumbing is one of the most important features in your home. Poorly maintained plumbing can lead to water damage, mold growth and other problems that can be costly to repair. Not only can regular maintenance help to keep your plumbing in good working order, but it can also save you money over time. Here are seven tips to help keep your bathroom plumbing in good working order:

  1. Check for Leaks Regularly – Look around the sink, tub, and toilet for any signs of water leaks. Check all fixtures in the bathroom, including faucets and shower heads. If you notice any leaks, contact a professional plumber right away to fix the issue.
  2. Clean Your Drains – Clogged drains can cause a major headache. To prevent and clear clogs, use a natural drain cleaner every few months and flush it with hot water. For an extra layer of protection, install a drain guard over your tub or shower drain to catch hair and other debris that can cause clogs.
Bathroom Plumbing
Bathroom Plumbing
  1. Check Your Toilet – Make sure your toilet is flushing properly and that there are no leaks around the base. Also, inspect the water line under the tank for any signs of corrosion or leaks.
  2. Replace Your Supply Lines – Inspect the supply lines that connect your fixtures to your main water supply. If you see any wear and tear, or if they are more than 10 years old, it’s a good idea to replace them.
  3. Check for Corrosion – Look around all fixtures and pipes in the bathroom for any signs of corrosion or rusting. Have a plumber examine the affected areas right away so they can determine the cause and make repairs as needed.
  4. Test Your GFCIs – Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) should be tested at least once a month to make sure they are working properly. If the GFCI fails, it could be a sign that there is an electrical issue in your home.
  5. Inspect Pipes Regularly – Have a plumber inspect all of the pipes in your bathroom every few years to ensure they are clear and free of corrosion or other damage. 

By following these tips, you can keep your bathroom plumbing in good condition for many years to come!